NR: "The attacks are the latest in a long-running series that have targeted Iraq's Christian community."
July 13, 2009
Length: 1:43
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A replay of the report used on International's World News, but with different graphics.
HEIDI COLLINS: A United States ambassador narrowly escapes a bomb attack in Iraq. That blast coming just two weeks after U.S. soldiers pulled out of major cities. CNN's Michael Ware explains how the increasing violence could include a new strategy by insurgents to ignite religious conflicts.
MICHAEL WARE, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: In Iraq, a road side explosive device detonated near the convoy of recently arrived U.S. ambassador Christopher Hill. U.S. Embassy officials confirm that no embassy personnel were hurt in the attack. However, an investigation is now underway.
The region of southern Iraq where the incident occurred has traditionally been an area controlled by Iranian-backed militias. The attack came on a day when five Christian churches in the capital Baghdad were also hit in separate bombings. Within a period of three hours on Sunday evening in the capital, the churches were struck by explosive devices which killed four people and wounded 32. They came following a late night explosion at an empty church the evening before.
The attacks are the latest in a long-running series that have targeted Iraq's Christian community. Whilst no one has exact figures, it's believed that most of Iraq's million strong Christian community has fled the country since the American-led invasion in 2003.
However, one of the witnesses to the most recent series of attacks on the churches said that if they continue, there will surely be no Christians left in Iraq.
Michael Ware, CNN, Baghdad.