January 2006

AC: State of the Union reaction

Anderson’s in DC covering the State of the Union, Michael’s still in New York and gives his response to the speech as far as the situation in Iraq. (”Political gymnastics” is his summation.)

Length: 2:49

Watch the clip, read the transcript...

AC: Where is Jill Carroll?

Michael’s in New York City and joins Anderson in the studio to discuss the fate of abducted journalist Jill Carroll. Does the fact that she can speak the language and has shown herself to be sympathetic to the plight of the Iraqi people hold any sway with her captors?
Michael also talks about his own brief abduction by Zarqawi’s al-Qaeda group; he is the only Western journalist grabbed by them who was released alive. Further details were not released until the airing of
Frontline’s "The Insurgency," which included footage of the incident.

Length: 4:02

Watch the clip, read the transcript...

Air America: Mark Riley Show -- 16:42

Michael was in NYC and did a live interview on the Mark Riley Show
(which was then split and aired on two successive days;
I have pasted it back into one piece.)
Among the topics covered were Jill Carroll's abduction,
Saddam Hussein's trial, and the insurgency.

Mark Riley Show -- 16:42

TSR: Jill Carroll's proof of life

Ten days after her abduction, a video of Jill Carroll was released, the first assurance that she was still alive. Mick -- in NYC -- talks to Wolf Blitzer about what might happen next.
(NOTE: I missed this interview -- flying to NYC, as it happens -- so this clip was taken from a video. And it shows, I’m afraid. When the heck is CNN gonna make their news shows available for download?)

Length: 2:31

Watch the clip, read the transcript...